Instagram is a social network where users can post photos and videos to share with their followers and also gain popularity to start earning money on Instagram. Instagram becomes more popular and in 2019 it has already 1 billion monthly active users and this amount is continue to grow. That’s why there is a lot of information and guides on Internet how to use Instagram.
You can see +search requests on Internet and questions websites like Quora such as “how to see someone’s Instagram likes”. We collected all useful answers that will help you to see all the likes you need using Instagram app or third-party tools like Snoopreport.
How to see someone’s likes on Instagram
This question is one of the most popular and it can have several meanings. First let’s suppose the easiest one: the user wants to view the likes the other user got on Instagram. When every user creates a post on Instagram he is looking forward to collect the likes from his followers.
By checking an user profile you won’t be able to see all the likes he got but you see the likes to each post.
When using the Instagram app you should open an user profile, choose a post you want to check and see the number of likes under the picture or video. If you tap on “likes” you will get the list of users that put likes to this post.
The similar approach can be used with the web version of Instagram: open the website, look for the Instagram account, search for the post and click “likes”. You will get the list of users that liked the post in this way:

Using this method can also help you to detect the likes to your posts. You should tap or click the number of likes under your post to view who liked it.
Concerning your posts particularly you can also see the likes your post received in your feed. If you tap “heart” icon in the app – you will see the activity connected to your account: for example, the sign “the user and 30 others liked your post”. If you tap on this line you will be redirected to all the likes of the current post.
How to see someone’s like history on Instagram
It’s a more tricky question as it’s difficult to get some historic data on Instagram. As we’ve already mentioned you can check all the user’s posts and all the likes he got. It’s one of the ways to understand this request.
If “like history” supposes the likes made by an Instagram user since the account registration – the Instagram app won’t provide this information. The only like history provided in the app is yours. To check the likes you added to user’s post on Instagram you should do the following:
- Open your account settings
- Then tap “Account”
- Tap “Posts you’ve liked”
- Scroll the list of the posts you liked
This way you can get your like history. You won’t be able to check the like history of another user but we can describe how you can see what someone likes on Instagram.
How to see someone’s Instagram likes
Or you can also see a variant “view instagram users likes”. The request is probably linked to likes the user made not those he got. If you need to find out what posts an Instagram user liked you can check this activity in the Instagram app. But there are some conditions to get this information.
First, you should be an Instagram user yourself and you should follow the user you want to track. Another condition is to have quite a small number of users to follow. It’s required because when you search for the likes by a certain user in your following feed it will be difficult to define the likes of an user. To open the following feed in the app you should open the Instagram app and tap “Heart”, then “Following”: there are all the actions as likes, follows and comments likes made by the users you follow.
If this method isn’t suitable for you we would recommend to see what others like on Instagram by using Snoopreport tool. With Snoopreport you can monitor an Instagram user activity even if you don’t have an Instagram app or account.
What you should do is to register on Snoopreport, buy a subscription plan and add an Instagram account you will monitor. Then the service will be providing weekly and monthly reports with the Instagram activity of the current user: likes, comments likes, follows and more.. The reports look like this:

In this article we covered all the possible meanings of the request “How to see what someone likes on Instagram” and we hope it will be useful for researching the Instagram users. To use Snoopreport don’t forget to: